+91 9437001686 madaniwelfare@email.com
1999 - 2000
The year 1999 is remember able for inclusion in FCRA list vide its NO.105020166.dated 19 march 1999.
The organization was registered under Income Tax Act 1961 under 12(A) for exemption under income tax to the organization.
1991 - 1992
In the year 1991-92 the nomenclature of the organization was changed and it became MADANI WELFARE ASSOCIATION(MAWA) in place of Muslim fund was legally registered under society registration Act of 21of 1860 with 25 members in the General Body and 11 members in Managing committee vide registration no.2708-107/1991-92.
1985 - 1986
In 1986 Madani welfare association was established formally in the name of Muslim fund to mobilize people for saving and to give interest free loan to the needy and poor people for different activities. Initially fund was raised from the family members of Md.Ali Brothers the founder and chief functionary of the organization.Maulana Abdul hamid and Md. Kausar Ali co-operated in this noble cause.